NOTE: Please select a doctor from our caregivers page and call the office or your insurance plan to confirm that the physician is still participating. 91¿´Æ¬ is not responsible for insurance coverage changes.
1199-Members Choice
Accordia National/Remington Preferred Network
ACN Group (Empire Plan MPN)
Aetna Behavioral Health Network
Affinity Health Plan
ArchCareBeechstreet Corp – now part of MultiPlan
Brighton Health (formerly Magnacare)
Cancer Care Services
CenterLight (Formerly CCM)
Cigna Health CareCigna: Great-West Health
Corinthian Medical IPA Inc
Crossroads Healthcare Management
Elder Plan
EMBS – HealthplusEmpire
Empire Plan
Fidelis Care New York
First Health Network/Coventry Healthcare (an Aetna company)
GHI (EmblemHealth)
HealthfirstHealthSpring Life & Health Ins Co-Managed Medicare